Champion Sports Performance Open House

Open House

Celebrate With Us At Our Open House

Champion Sports Performance is moving into a NEW building at Southfork Sports Complex, and we're inviting you to come celebrate with us at our Open House event!


All Athletes in All Sports
And their Families, Parents and Coaches


Saturday, April 28, 2018


Southfork Sports Complex
5955 Lindsey Lane
Parker, TX 75002

Come visit our new Building of Champions:

  • Tour the new 4,000 square foot Building of Champions

    Over 1,000sq. ft. dedicated to Strength Training and nearly 3,000sq. ft. of turf for Speed, Agility, and Reaction Training

  • Test Your Abilities

    Participate in some of our Combine-style Athletic Assessments and challenge your friends & teammates to top the leaderboards!

  • Giveaway Goodies

    Get a free Champion Sports Performance water bottle, and other giveaway goodies (while supplies last)

  • Speak with Founder & Coach Chris Stratis

    Speak with Founder & Coach Chris Stratis and learn about Champion Sports Performance's unique Training Programs and how they can help you become faster, stronger, more athletic, and resistant to injury.

  • Special Open House Discount

    Sign up for classes or our upcoming Summer Training Program while you're here and save $ with a special 1-Day Only Open House Discount!

Bring Your Friends, Teammates, and Coaches

Do you know an athlete who could benefit from becoming stronger, faster, and more athletic?
(If you're not sure, try answering the question "Do you know an athlete who WOULDN'T benefit from being stronger, faster, and more athletic?")

If you know an athlete ages 8+ at any level in any sport, please share this info and bring them with you to the Open House! Invite your teammates. Invite your child's teammates.

I would love to talk with your coaches as well to hear what they are seeing in their athletes and to share what we can do to help, so invite your coaches to come check out the Open House, too!

Special Incentive:

The team with the most athletes to come to the event will win a FREE Team Speed Training Session with Coach Chris, so make plans to come with your teammates and coaches!

Adults, if you're interested in our Adult Fitness Classes you should also come and bring your friends who may want to work out with you.

Please spread the word, and we hope to see you there!


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