Champion Sports Performance Testimonials

D. Free
“Coach Stratis is probably the most innovative coach I have ever worked with. He has a particular talent for recognizing the specific strengths and deficiencies of each individual he is working with, understanding how those relate to the overall goals, and formulating a course of action based on that information to maximize the potential for success.”

T. Scott
Athlete, USA Karate National Team
“Coach Stratis has invested much time and energy into my development as an athlete on Team USA Karate. Having never missed a 6am track workout, three times a week, for three years demonstrates his belief in me as an athlete.
He always has a plan for every day and week and month that we are working on our training program. Coach Stratis’ effort and planning allows me to forget distractions and just work. When I can focus only on performing, the best of me comes through. More successes are on their way!”

B. Burns
Coach, USA Karate Director of Operations
“I gave Coach Stratis a very difficult task: I asked him to condition a group of karate athletes for the highest level of competition without throwing a single kick or punch. He drew on his experience as a track coach, identified the parallels between the two sports and created one of the most effective and intense karate conditioning programs in the country. A conditioning program that resulted in record breaking results from a single club by seating 3 members on the USA National Karate Team and 6 members on the USA Junior National Karate Team.
He took his task and moved it from the traditional karate training center to an outdoor track, which he and the athletes now affectionately call the “Oval Office”. Other coaches on the field can’t believe he is training a karate team and not an elite private school track team.
His shift in the traditional conditioning paradigm works. He is responsible for conditioning the top karate athlete in the US, a 3 time Pan American Champion and ranked #4 in the world. When that athlete is asked across the world what he does to maintain his physical conditioning, he often responds, “you wouldn’t believe me if I told you”.
Coach Stratis was able to prove to his athletes if they would just invest in the process, even though it was new to them, they would see results. He would spend the time to draw the parallels between what he was asking the athletes to invest in and what they could expect to see in the competition ring. It was not an easy sell, but over the course of the season the athletes did see the results their coach promised and now they think of the oval office and Coach Stratis’ conditioning plan as a secret weapon that prepares them for success.”

T. Hintzel
“I can honestly say that Coach Stratis helped me to break down the walls of what I perceived as my limits and reach new ground. His coaching was very beneficial in helping me to focus on my strategy – when things were not going as planned or when I became frustrated, he helped me by getting me to refocus, flush the doubts and push on.
To do what Coach Stratis does – energizing people to get up when they’re down and push harder than before – is a unique skill that not many people have. His coaching has often given me direction and purpose to what I was doing and helped me to form a goal to obtain. From my current perspective, I see the impact that his coaching has on other people just by pushing them as they are working or one-on-one when giving them advice.”

J. Lovering
“I still remember your directness (but not biting) and motivational approach. You were ALWAYS there with us and you truly walked the talk by guiding us through everything and not expecting us to go at it alone.”

M. Lisot
Athlete, USA Karate National Team
“Coach Stratis advocates a growth mindset: a refusal to fixate on anchors that predispose a person down a set path. Instead, he genuinely motivates others to evolve in their game and grow as athletes and individuals.
When I examined and focused on my fears, mistakes, and doubts, Coach Stratis encouraged me to search further for courage, learning, and hope. His impact? He helped me to puncture my self-doubt, and unleashed a hungry, tenaciously driven competitor within me.”

S. Konrad
Athlete, USA Karate National Team
“I have had the pleasure of having Coach Stratis as my conditioning and ringside coach for karate for the past four years. Among so many other life lessons, he has taught me to maximize my potential by reflecting on my past and applying those reflections to my future. After each competition, we discuss the positives and the negatives from the day and come up with a plan of how to grow in a constructive way from those experiences.
Besides teaching me the significance of learning from my past to grow in the future, Coach Stratis has had a significant impact on building my mental endurance. From instructing me how to push myself on the track when I am tired, to continuing in a match regardless of the score, he has always taught the importance of staying mentally strong during times of doubt.
The positive impact Coach Stratis has made in my life and the lessons he has taught me through karate have helped me grow tremendously not only as an athlete but also as a person.”

Dr. V. Garcia
“Coach Stratis is able to provide critical feedback in a manner that is positive and welcoming, even if it is feedback that is difficult to hear.
Coach Stratis consistently looks for processes that are inefficient and hinder growth, defines the deficiencies, and creates a new method to improve the process.
When having coaching conversations, his presence is undeniable; he is 100% attentive to your needs and goals, and walks the path with you and encourages you only when you need it. He is adept at visualizing your goal, assessing where you are, and is a strategist in creating a path to get you moving – and pushes you consistently to meet the destination.
He has helped athletes move their unclear goals into articulate action statements as well as provide cues when they are heading off track in their attempts to meet them.
Coach Stratis provides incremental checkpoints to monitor progress on plans. When those benchmarks are not met, a new plan is designed to meet their needs. However, when those benchmarks are met or surpassed, he praises the successes but continues to monitor forward movement so that success in mini-steps doesn’t impede the long-term victory.”

B. Feith
Athlete, USA Karate National Team
“Not only does Coach Stratis know how to help an athlete set goals, he also helps create a plan or the steps to which the athlete needs to preform to reach their goals.
Coach Stratis is the plan master! He knew our strengths and weaknesses and what we were capable of doing and he would help develop a plan. Not all of his plans were short term like just getting through the next match. He has strong long term plans too.
For example, Coach Stratis had the entire season (seven months worth of Saturdays and Tuesday/Thursday) of speed training practices laid out by the first practice. If we wanted to know what we were doing five Saturdays from now, he could tell me. Coach Stratis has a talent for long term planning!
Coach Stratis also has a strong quality of encouraging others. I know several people who had confidence issues and specifically asked for him as their coach for a reason. He builds people up. He make them the best they can be. They are drawn to him and respect him, and I understand why. Coach Stratis has a huge history of credibility, and the way he handles things is admirable.”

J. Schneekloth
“I remember how impressive it was that he could keep track of the strengths and weaknesses and best performances for every member of the team and always worked to find the best position for them so they could achieve their personal goals as well as do the best for the entire team as a whole.
Coach Stratis is able to motivate people without belittling them or putting them down, and you make them feel like they’re part of a family.”