Champion Sports Performance Progress Pyramid Levels

Celebrating Progress Pyramid Promotions

Beyond helping athletes get stronger and faster, we believe that a big part of being a Champion is the character you display and the consistency with which you bring focus, effort, respect, and preparation to training and everything you do.

This is why we emphasize the Champions Code in each session with our athletes. This is also why promotions on our Progress Pyramid are based on those attributes, not just on an athlete’s pure speed or strength. As athletes demonstrate a familiarity with how we train to develop strength and speed, and as the consistently demonstrate the application of the Champions Code to their training, they are eligible for promotion to the next level on the Progress Pyramid.

The true beauty of this system is that as athletes progress up the Pyramid to the next level based on those criteria of consistency, quality execution and understanding of training movements, proper mindset, effort & focus, and embodying the points in the Champions Code, their quantitative metrics reflect similar progress.

As they grow in their understanding of *how* to train and chase improvement, they always see their speed, strength, and skill-specific metrics improve as well. Athletes aren’t promoted based purely on speed or strength metrics, but we’ve found that the athletes higher on the Progress Pyramid tend to be the strongest and fastest since they know how to get the most out of their training.

We were thrilled to announce 39 promotions on the Progress Pyramid this month! We are so proud to see them building a healthy and consistent approach to their training and mindset, and to help them develop into good athletes and (more importantly) good human beings! As they are promoted, each athlete is recognized for their new level and becomes a role model for others around them.

Congratulations to all of these hard-working athletes! 

We are proud of each athlete we have the opportunity to work with and look forward to more great progress for you over the coming months and years!